[Liu, Junang; Zhou, Guoying; Liu, JN; Liu, Chuang] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Life Sci & Technol, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Liu, Junang; Zhou, Guoying; Liu, JN; Liu, Chuang] Southern Plantat Forest Pest Prevent & Control Sta, Hunan Prov Key Lab Forest Pest Control, Econ Forest Cultivat & Protect Minist Educ Key Lab, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.
[Liu, JN ] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Life Sci & Technol, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.;Southern Plantat Forest Pest Prevent & Control Sta, Hunan Prov Key Lab Forest Pest Control, Econ Forest Cultivat & Protect Minist Educ Key Lab, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.
Agarwood is a resinous heartwood of Aquilaria sinensis that is formed in response to mechanical wounding. In the present study pre-treatment of Aquilaria sinensis was carried out, and then the dominant fungi were isolated and purified from the surface and electroshock holes of trees. The isolated Trichoderma sp. and Neurospora sp. were then screened for resistance against benzyl acetone and then inoculated into healthy Aquilaria sinensis trees. After six months, the agarwood was collected for analysis. The chemical composition of incense was analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy, and 82 chemical constituents were identified. Agarwood products formed by using Trichoderma sp. and Neurospora sp. consisted of 50.22% and 48.71% ether extracts, respectively, which surpassed the 10% threshold specified by the Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Similarly, relative aromatic contents in the two agarwood products were 30.1% and 32.86%, while proportions of sesquiterpene constituents were 10.21% and 11.19%, respectively. These two agarwood-specific chemical constituents accounted for a large proportion of the total chemical composition, which showed that the generated agarwood was of good quality. The results of the study revealed that both Trichoderma sp. and Neurospora sp. were able to effectively induce agarwood production in Aquilaria sinensis trees in 6 months. This study expands the library of fungi that promote the production of agarwood from Aquilaria sinensis trees.
[刘闯; 周国英; 刘君昂] College of Life Science and Technology, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Southern Plantation Forest Pest Prevention and Control State Forestry Administration Key Laboratory, Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Forest Pest Control, Economic Forest Cultivation and Protection Ministry of Education Key Laboratory, Hunan, Changsha, 410004, China
<jats:p>Two new taxa are described from subtropical areas of China: Mycena chlorocyanea sp. nov. in sect. Viscipelles, and Mycena flosoides sp. nov. in sect. Polyadelphia. Photographs of basidiomata and morphological features, and relevant illustrations of these species are presented in this paper. Morphological characters were compared with related Mycena species, and phylogenetic analyses were conducted using internal transcribed spacer and the large subunit regions of nuclear ribosomal RNA gene sequences with Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood. The phylogenetic trees showed that the two new taxa can be distinguished from phenotypically similar and phylogenetically related species.</jats:p>
采用十字交叉法测定CF17发酵液的抑菌谱,并通过离心、旋转蒸发浓缩、丙酮沉淀、固相萃取以及半制备高效液相色谱法对抑菌物质进行分离纯化和鉴定.结果表明,CF17发酵液对油茶炭疽病、油茶叶枯病、油茶软腐病、杉木炭疽病、核桃壳梭孢、降香黄檀炭疽病、檀香炭疽病等的病原菌均有抑菌效果.50%丙酮分离纯化效果优于乙醇沉淀法与乙酸乙酯沉淀法;在固相萃取中,活性物质主要集中在60%乙腈梯度洗柱样品中,最后经HPLC分离收集到一个有明显抑菌圈的样品.经质谱鉴定抑菌成分为Tetramycin A.
[刘高强; 王晓玲; Zhu, Chaoyang] College of Life Science and Technology, Central South University of Forestry &, Technology, Changsha, China;[王晓玲; 刘高强; Zhu, Chaoyang; 周国英] Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Forestry Biotechnology, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, China
College of Life Science and Technology, Central South University of Forestry & Technology, Changsha, China
International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications
Chinese fir;disease stress;estimation;Hyperspectral;pigment content
Using hyperspectral technology to test canopy of the fir which was damaged by the anthracnose, exploring and built the hyper-spectral estimation models of the pigment content in canopy of Chinese fir under the disease stress, the results will promote the application of the hyper-spectral remote sensing-technology in the forest pest and disease monitoring. From May to July in 2012, You Xian, Hunan Province, we investigated the anthracnose of Chinese fir, and measured the canopy pigment content and the spectral reflectance of the Chinese fir which was damaged by the anthracnose. The correlation between pigment contents of fir leaves with spectra reflectance, the first derivative of reflectance and spectral characteristic parameters were analyzed respectively. The result showed that the visible light and near-infrared region were the sensitive region which were reflected and absorbed by the pigment in disease of Chinese fir; pigment content had the highest correlation with the first order differential spectra in red edge (695-754 nm), and the correlation coefficient of single band first order differential spectrum in 741 nm was the largest. And it also showed that the accuracy of Chla+b, Chla and Chlb contents was the highest estimated by power function model which used the difference vegetation index DVI [FD587, FD741] as the variable, the relative errors were less than 15%, the RMS error was in the range of 0.093 to 0.241.
[李河; 周国英; 章怀云; 刘君昂; 彭宽] Central South University of Forestry and Technology
The fungicide resistance of anthracnose in Camellia oleifera nurseries was investigated in Liuyang,Changning,and other regions in Hunan Province.The Colletotrichum gloeosporioides strains from the former two regions were highly resistant to carbendazim.After subcultured for 10 generations on fungicide-free medium,the resistant strains grew well on the medium containing carbendazim 450 μg/mL and suggesting that its resistance was stable.The β-tubulin genes from the resistant and susceptible strains were cloned and sequenced.The coding region was 1 344 bp nucleotides and predicted to encode a protein with 447 amino acids.Comparison of the β-tubulin amino acid sequences between resistant and susceptible strains of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides revealed that a mutation leading to an amino acid substitution at the position 198 from glutamic acid in the susceptible strain to alanine in the resistant strain.Finally,the main morphological characteristics of C.gloeosporioides were descripted,but it could not be used to determine the resistance to carbendazim.