With the improvement of people's living standards and the widening of circulation channels, the demand for fresh agricultural products continues to increase. The increase in demand will lead to an increase in delivery vehicles, costs, and carbon emissions, among which the increase in carbon emissions will aggravate pollution and is not conducive to sustainable development. Therefore, it is very important to balance economic and environmental benefits in the distribution of fresh agricultural products. Based on the analysis of the distribution characteristics of fresh agricultural products, this paper studies the optimization of the cold chain distribution route of fresh agricultural products considering carbon emission. Firstly, the cold chain distribution route planning of fresh agricultural products was investigated and analyzed by the interview method, and the basis for establishing the model objective and constraint conditions was obtained. Then, taking the minimum total cost including carbon emission cost as the optimization goal, the cold chain distribution route optimization model for mixed vehicle types is established considering electric refrigerated vehicles, gasoline refrigerated vehicles, and so on. Genetic algorithm was used to solve the model, and MATLAB2018b was used to substitute specific case data for simulation analysis. The analysis results show that increasing the consideration of carbon emission and mixed vehicle types in the distribution route of fresh agricultural products can not only reduce the distribution cost but also reduce the carbon emission. To some extent, the research content of this paper can provide a reference for enterprises in planning cold chain distribution routes of fresh agricultural products.
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives,2021年11:100410 ISSN:2590-1982
Qun Chen
[Qun Chen] School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;School of Logistics and Transportation, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China;[Guijun Zheng] School of Business, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China;[Shuangli Pan] School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China<&wdkj&>School of Logistics and Transportation, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
[Qun Chen] S;School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
In order to understand the psychological factors that influence car owners’ travel mode selection under parking constraint during non-commuting, a corresponding psychological decision-making process model is established with reference to the stage model of self-regulated behavioral change (SSBC). Partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) is applied to verify and analyze the model with empirical data. According to the purpose of non-commuting and the degree of dependence on private cars, comparative analyses are made in eight cases. The research results show that SSBC is applicable in the study of non-commuting behavior under parking constraints. The choice of non-commuting mode is influenced by psychological factors such as awareness of consequences, responsibility attribution, personal norms, social norms, perceived behavior control, behavior attitudes, parking supply strategy perception, action plan and coping plan. The psychological decision-making process can be divided into four stages, and the implementation intention, behavioral intention and goal intention are important psychological variables to promote the phase transition. Various psychological factors have different degrees of influence on the behavior decisions of people with different degrees of dependence on private cars under different non-commuting travel purposes (business, medical, shopping and entertainment). According to the analysis results, the paper puts forward some suggestions for parking supply optimization and travel behavior guidance.
[Chen Qun; Pan Shuangli] Cent South Univ, Sch Traff & Transportat Engn, Changsha 410075, Peoples R China.;[Pan Shuangli] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Sch Logist & Transportat, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Zheng Guijun] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Sch Business, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.
[Chen Qun] C;Cent South Univ, Sch Traff & Transportat Engn, Changsha 410075, Peoples R China.
give up driving;parking constraints;psychological factors;theory of planned behavior;structural equation model
<jats:p>Parking restrictions can affect the use of cars and become an effective means to promote the sustainable development of urban traffic. To understand the influencing factors of car owners giving up driving due to parking constraints, the research constructs a theoretical model of psychological decision process about giving up driving under parking constraints, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and taking the public transit perception as a mediating variable, considering psychological factors. The empirical data were used to verify and modify the model by the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method, and finally the model was determined. The result shows that the choice of travel mode under the constraint of parking berth is not only affected by individual social and economic attributes and travel mode characteristics, but also by psychological latent variables such as behavioral attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control, public transportation perception and behavior intention. The subjective norms of car owners about giving up driving have a positive effect on perceived behavioral control and behavioral attitude; perceived behavior control also has an effect on behavior attitude; the behavior attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavior control all have positive effects on the behavior intention of giving up driving due to parking constraints, among which public transit perception plays a positive adjustable intermediary role. The Integration of Choice and Latent Variable (ICLV) model considering psychological latent variables has a higher fitting degree to empirical data than the traditional Multinomial Logit (MNL) model. Based on the analysis results, some suggestions for auxiliary measures to implement the optimization strategy of parking supply are put forward.</jats:p>
2010 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering,2010年:53-56
[De-sheng Deng; Gui-jun Zheng] Business School, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China
2010 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering(2010年IEEE第二届信息管理与工程国际会议 IEEE ICIME 2010)
2010 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering(2010年IEEE第二届信息管理与工程国际会议 IEEE ICIME 2010)论文集
new countryside;new peasant;science and technology ability;tactics
The farmer is the main body to build new countryside and the key to construct a new socialist countryside. This paper analyzes the advancing factors which constrained the farmers' science & technology capability from the perspectives of farmers' education level, the mechanism of cultivating new-oriented farmers, the government' input to science & technology and the scientific & technologic environment in rural. On this basis, some strategies are put forward to increase the technological capability of the farmers and cultivate new socialist peasants by consolidating the rural basic education, reforming rural education and training system, increasing scientific and technological input and improving the conditions of rural science and technology.
Low-carbon economy is economic mode with low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission. Developing low-carbon economy is a major step for human society, and brings the opportunity and challenge to enterprises. With the exploitation of forest resources, forest products marketing channel has become an important part enterprise to do marketing. Researching low-carbonization of products marketing channel provides new ideas for reorganization and construction of forest products marketing channel. This paper investigates the demand of forest products marketing and development under the low-carbon economy by using the induction and empirical research method. It points out the problems of small size, low efficiency and low informationization existing in products channels, and puts forward advices for marketing channel reconstruction from the channel performance, resource conservation and optimum channel organization. These Suggestions will provide significance for marketing channel of forest products to develop low carbonization.