<jats:p>Vietnam’s agricultural exports to China have remained strong, with the country maintaining its position as the top destination for Agri-products. This article primarily utilizes the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) Index, and Trade Complementarity (TC) index to examine the trade comparative advantage, and the complementary of twenty major agricultural products between China and Vietnam from 2012 to 2021. The study results showed that Vietnam and China frequently exchange agricultural products. Vietnam has more stronger competitiveness than China in terms of agricultural products. China’s exports to Vietnam were highly complementary to Vietnam’s imports in category 0 whiles Vietnam’s exports to China showed strong complementarity with China’s imports in category 2. This paper analyzes the complementarity and comparative advantages of agricultural trade between China and Vietnam, and proposes informed suggestions for policy-making to promote agricultural trade between the countries. The proposed suggestions aim to expand agricultural trade between the two countries, reduce the trade imbalance, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.</jats:p>
随着中国教育国际化进程不断加快,加强来华留学生创新创业能力培养已成为新时代发展的必然要求.在来华留学生创新创业能力现状分析的基础上,运用OBE(Outcome Based Education,成果导向教育)理念,从总体目标设定、课程体系选择、教学策略运用和教学评价体系的改进等方面研究了培养路径并构建了培养模式,为来华留学生创新创业能力培养提供了科学的理论指导,也为"后疫情"时代下中国打造教育国际化的品牌指明道路.
[Tian, Jinjin; Sadykova, Kamilla; Tian, JJ; Shukla, Swaraj] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Int Coll, Changsha, Peoples R China.
[Tian, JJ ] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Int Coll, Changsha, Peoples R China.
<jats:p>This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the agriculture trade dynamic between India and China from 2002–2021. It employed the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA) indices and various statistical analyses to assess the trade performance and provide an enhanced comprehension of the specialization pattern. The study has selected 45 agricultural commodities, categorized into seven sections according to the HS Nomenclature 2017. The findings revealed that India boasts a more diversified export portfolio compared to China, with a more significant number of agriculture chapters demonstrating a comparative advantage. Conversely, China’s export basket is more concentrated, featuring fewer chapters with a comparative advantage but higher values of RCA and RSCA. The paper also identified the prospective areas for agriculture-trade cooperation and collaboration between the two countries and put forward recommendations. This research aims to offer valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and traders to enhance bilateral ties and mutual benefits in the agriculture sector.</jats:p>
Journal of Business Ethics,2022年179(2):369-385 ISSN:0167-4544
Julan Xie
[Lou, Qiuyin; Gong, Yanping; Xie, Julan; Li, Jian] Cent South Univ, Sch Business, Changsha 410083, Peoples R China.;[Zhang, Long] Hunan Univ, Business Sch, Changsha 410082, Peoples R China.;[Lou, Qiuyin] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Int Coll, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.
[Julan Xie] S;School of Business, Central South University, Changsha, China
Green consumption values;Environmentally responsible consumption behavior;Parent–child relationship;Ecological socialization;Inter-generational transmission of values
Green consumption values have been shown to motivate consumers to engage in green consumption practices. However, surprisingly little research has examined how green consumption values develop in young people. In the current study, we employed ecological socialization theory as a framework to investigate the process by which parents’ green consumption values shape similar values in their young adolescents. In Study 1, data from 722 Chinese families that included an early adolescent (ages 10 to 15) showed that both mothers’ and fathers’ green consumption values were positively associated with early adolescents’ green consumption values, and this association was mediated by each parent’s environmentally responsible consumption behavior. Study 2 replicated the results of Study 1 using two waves of matched parent-adolescent data collected a month apart from another group of 477 Chinese families. Furthermore, Study 2 showed that the mediation process identified in Study 1 was evident only when there was a close parent–child relationship. These findings have implications for cultivating the green consumption values of today’s youth. The results also have heuristic value for future research on the ecological socialization and inter-generational transmission of pro-environmental values.
[Tian, Jinjin; Edjah, Benjamin Kofi Tawiah] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Int Coll, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Edjah, Benjamin Kofi Tawiah] Wuhan Univ, Sch Econ & Management, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.;[Wu, Jianping] Hunan Univ Sci & Engn, Coll Sci, Yongzhou 425199, Peoples R China.
[Jinjin Tian] I;International College, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China<&wdkj&>Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
<jats:p>As trade partners, China in East Asia and Ghana in Africa both play a major role in the China–Africa economic and trade cooperation and have strengthened their bilateral trade. The trade cooperation between China and Ghana has progressed, and there currently exists a large agricultural product trade between the two countries. China has become one of Ghana’s largest trading partners in recent decades, and bilateral cooperation has become stronger. This paper analyses the comparative advantage and complementarity of trade in agricultural products between China and Ghana in terms of twenty major agricultural products from 2016 to 2020, based on the revealed comparative advantage index, trade complementarity index, and their status quo. The results showed that the trade volume of China–Ghana agricultural products has continuously increased, and China is currently in a surplus state, but their total agriculture trade volume proportions had been decreasing. From the perspective of comparative advantage and complementarity, the results showed that the comparative advantage and complementarity coexist, but their comparative advantage is more obvious showing strong competitiveness. The result further shows that the comparative advantage of Ghana was stronger than that of China and the complementarity of China’s exports and Ghana’s imports of agricultural products has not been fully exploited; likewise, the complementarity of China’s imports and Ghana’s exports of agricultural products has not been fully exploited since 2018, and there is a large potential for further cooperation and development. Finally, based on the current situation and our analysis of agricultural trade between China and Ghana, suggestions were put forward to seek new and continuous development opportunities for agricultural trade cooperation between the two countries.</jats:p>