[Luosong Zheng; Heping Luo; Yuxin Zhong; Wanqian Li; Han Xu; Fuquan Xiong; Jiahao Pi; Yan Qing; Yiqiang Wu] College of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, PR China
[Han Xu; Yan Qing] C;College of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, PR China
Electrocatalyst;Built-in electric field;Hierarchical porous structure;Wood;Oxygen evolution reaction
Circadian lighting;Multi-channel spectral sensors;Spectral power distribution;Machine learning
Light has an undeniable impact on the human body, as it can to some extent affect hormone secretion and emotional changes. Spectral power distribution (SPD) is the main indicator for evaluating the quality of light sources, but traditional spectral measurement equipment is bulky and expensive, and cannot be widely used in our daily life. In order to fill this gap, this article designs a low-cost and small lighting measurement device for measuring the circadian lighting, which obtains spectral data from 8 channels in the visible light range through multi-channel spectral sensors. Machine learning methods are used to reconstruct the SPD of 81 wavelength data points, thereby improving the accuracy of designed measurement device. This device can simultaneously achieve real-time measurement of SPD and real-time monitoring of circadian related parameters, and return circadian related parameters (such as circadian action factor, melanopic efficacy of luminous radiation, equivalent melanopic lux, etc.). Results have found that the error of circadian parameters measured by this equipment is less than 5%.
[Lixin Wang; Jie Ouyang; Yi Tian; Liangliang Zhou; Mengting Cheng; Yuzhu Wang; Xi Ren; Zhuoshi Wu; Wei Yin; Qingquan Sheng; Jianhua Luo; Liaoyuan Xia; Yongfeng Luo] Hunan Province Key Laboratory of Materials Surface & Interface Science and Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410004, PR China
[Yongfeng Luo] H;Hunan Province Key Laboratory of Materials Surface & Interface Science and Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410004, PR China
Separation and Purification Technology,2025年356:129867 ISSN:1383-5866
Wenlei Wang
[Qianfeng Wu] College of Life and Environmental Sciences, South Central University of Forestry Science and Technology, Changsha 410004, China;[Binbin Tan; Jiang Wang; Junlong Liu; Yao Deng] College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China;[Zhihao Zhang; Jing Wang; Huidi Zhang] College of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China;Institute of Chemical Disposal and Resource Utilization of Hazardous Wastes, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China;[Ting Yang; Wenlei Wang] College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China<&wdkj&>Institute of Chemical Disposal and Resource Utilization of Hazardous Wastes, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
[Wenlei Wang] C;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China<&wdkj&>Institute of Chemical Disposal and Resource Utilization of Hazardous Wastes, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
Li, Yalan;Cheng, FC
[Huang, Houkai; Chen, Bowen; Cheng, Fangchao; Li, Yalan; Huang, Xiaolin; Tang, Zhiwei; Shi, Shenghong; Zhu, Weizhi] Guangxi Univ, Sch Resources Environm & Mat, State Key Lab Featured Met Mat & Life Cycle Safety, Nanning 530004, Peoples R China.;[Wu, Yiqiang; Cheng, Fangchao] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.
[Li, YL; Cheng, FC ] G;Guangxi Univ, Sch Resources Environm & Mat, State Key Lab Featured Met Mat & Life Cycle Safety, Nanning 530004, Peoples R China.;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.
With the massive consumption of energy resources and increasingly severe environmental problems, the development of renewable, environmentally friendly, highly efficient energy conversion and storage devices has become a top priority. Here, a microstructure modulation strategy was proposed to fabricate the oriented regenerated cellulose (ORC) dielectric composites with outstanding mechanical and dielectric properties via a combination of dissolution, crosslinking, stretching, and hot-pressing techniques. ORC films with a stretch ratio of 100 % (ORC-100 film) exhibit a significant increase in displacement values (2.96 mu C/cm2), breakdown strength (404.04 MV/m), dielectric constant (14.37 at 1 kHz), and energy density (3.42 J/cm3 at 250 MV/m) as compared to the unstretched regenerated cellulose films. These enhancements are attributed to the anisotropic alignment of cellulose chains and the enhanced crystalline phase of cellulose II, both of which are significantly higher in ORC-100 film. This work offers a feasible and serviceable approach for the development of environmentally friendly cellulose dielectric composites with high performance.
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,2024年67(8):1-19 ISSN:1615-147X
Xie, HC
[Hu, Hao; Xie, Huichao; Sun, Weichuan; Deng, Minya] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Li, Jinwen] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Mech & Intelligent Mfg, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Li, Jinwen] BYD Co Ltd, Automot Engn Res Inst, Shenzhen 518118, Peoples R China.;[Liu, Haibo] Hunan Univ Sci & Technol, Hunan Prov Key Lab Hlth Maintenance Mech Equipment, Xiangtan 411201, Peoples R China.
[Xie, HC ] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.
Non-parameterized P-box;Reliability analysis;Deep learning;Adaptive updating;Double-loop surrogate model
Structural reliability analysis, when accounting for non-parameterized probability box (P-box) uncertainty, typically entails multiple calls to performance functions and poses significant computational hurdles, largely attributable to its inherently nested double-loop structure. Therefore, this paper proposes a new reliability analysis method tailored for structures with uncertain parameters represented using non-parameterized P-boxes. This method leverages double-loop deep learning models to efficiently calculate both the upper and lower bounds of the failure probability. In the development phase of the double-loop deep learning model, an active learning function is devised that integrates the local prediction uncertainty of the deep learning model, based on the K-fold cross-validation principle with the proximity of training samples to candidate sample points. Different stopping criteria are formulated at distinct stages of the model construction process. Firstly, within the inner loop, a deep learning model is established to represent the original performance function in relation to the input parameters. Secondly, based on the inner-loop deep learning model for the performance function, an outer-loop deep learning model is established for the auxiliary response function corresponding to the P-box bound curves of the performance function response with respect to standard uniform distribution variables. Thirdly, utilizing the outer-loop deep learning approximate model, the Monte Carlo simulation technique is employed to compute the upper and lower bounds of the structural failure probability. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is validated through the investigation of two numerical examples and a practical engineering problem. The influence of parameters in the active learning function, threshold values for stopping criteria, and the number of sample points on the computational results is deliberated.
Biomass based porous carbon is a green and low-cost promising adsorbents for CO2 capture. However, most of these porous carbon were prepared under high-temperature and even multistep pyrolysis, and possessed poor textural properties and controllability. Here, enzymatic hydrolysis lignin (EHL) was used as carbon source to prepare O-rich N-doped porous carbon (LNPC) through a synthesis strategy that coupled hydrothermal treatment, mechanochemical assistance, and low-temperature activation for the first time. These porous carbon had the large specific surface areas (602.2 similar to 2030.7 m(2)/g), high microporosity, and abundant ultramicroporous (V-ultra) (0.19 cm(3)/g), as well as significant N doping and high O content (30.93 similar to 55.32 %). And the effects of the coupling method, activation temperature, and mechanical pressure and residence time on structural properties of lignin based porous carbon were investigated in detail. We found that the residence time had a good linear correlation for surface areas and micropore volume, respectively, meanwhile, the mechanical pressing exhibited better linear correlation for O content of LNPC, implied the preparation method had good controllability. LSY-P20-T20 prepared at activation temperature of 600 degree celsius with the mechanical pressure and time (20 MPa and 20 min) had the highest V-ultra, and high O content, and possessed the highest CO2 uptake (5.00 mmol/g). Subsequently, we found that the narrow micropore volume (with d < 1.0 nm) was the main factor for CO2 adsorption capacity, while O content showed more significant impact on determining CO2/N-2 selectivity and isosteric heat of adsorption (Q(st)) of LNPCs. This work provided a new feasible approach for cost-effective carbon-based adsorbents for CO2 capture.
[Zheng, Lirong] Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;[Chen, Zhi-Yan] School of Material Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
Reducing the charging voltage is a prerequisite for improving the chargeability and energy efficiency of Zn-air batteries (ZABs). Herein, Fe(3+) pumps electrons from oxygen-bridged cobalt (Fe-O-Co) and induces the accelerated charging kinetics. For the liquid ZABs, a charging voltage of around 1.94 V at 10 mA cm(-2) was displayed, which slightly increased 2% after continuous cycles for 180 h. A steady charging voltage of around 1.87 V at 10 mA cm(-2) was also exhibited for quasi-solid-state ZABs. Control experiments and characterization show that the interactions between the O(2-) and Fe(3+) sites are relatively weaker than those between the O(2-) and Co(3+) sites. Compared with Mn(3+), Zn(2+), and Cu(2+), Fe(3+) effectively pumps electrons from Co sites to generate the active species for the oxygen evolution reaction. Thus, the deprotonation behavior and *OH conversion were improved. This work demonstrates the oxygen electron bridge modulated electron transfer between dual metal sites, contributing to the improvement of low-charging-voltage ZABs.
Construction and Building Materials,2024年411:134825 ISSN:0950-0618
Sun, DL
[Zou, Weihua; Wang, Zhangheng] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Furniture & Art Design, Changsha 410004, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Sun, Delin; Song, Ling; Sun, Zhenyu; Zhao, Shan; Liu, Wenshuang; Yu, Minggong; Zou, Weihua; Liu, Fang; Wang, Zhangheng] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Mat Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Sun, Delin; Sun, DL] 498 Shaoshan South Rd, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.
[Sun, DL ] 4;498 Shaoshan South Rd, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.
Superhydrophobic wood;Wet chemical method;Wettability;Bond strength;Interface modification
Superhydrophobic modification transforms the wood surface into a non-wetting state, which hinders the effective spreading and penetration of the adhesive at the gluing interface. In this study, a wet chemical method was used to optimize the wettability of the glued interface of superhydrophobic wood (S-wood) through NaOH@KH-550 synergistic treatment. The method can improve the structrue and chemical condition to increase the adsorption capacity of the wood surface for the adhesive, and the bond strength of S-wood increased to 3.21 MPa, which was beneficial to the efficient use of S-wood in construction and furniture fields.
[Yue, K ] N;Nanjing Tech Univ, Coll Civil Engn, Nanjing 211800, Peoples R China.
Delignification;Fast-growing poplar;High temperature properties;Mechanical properties
Previous studies on the modification of fast-growing wood have extensively examined the effects of density and lignin content on the strength and high-temperature properties of modified wood. However, a comprehensive quantitative analysis of their effects on high-temperature performance remains insufficient. To address this knowledge gap, we applied alkali treatment and compression densification to fast-growing poplar, resulting in modified specimens with varying densities and lignin levels. The quantitative effects of density and lignin content on high-temperature properties were meticulously evaluated. Chemical changes were analyzed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), while the mechanical and high-temperature properties were comprehensively assessed. Delignification was found to be positively correlated with treatment duration, with hemicellulose degradation also detected via FT-IR analysis. Significant enhancements were recorded in flexural strength, tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity, accompanied by improvements in ductility ratio and compressive strength. The modified poplar wood exhibited increased thermal stability at elevated temperatures. Furthermore, density and lignin content were identified as significant factors affecting high-temperature performance, establishing minimum density thresholds for various lignin contents in modified poplar wood to ensure optimal performance. This study enhances to the understanding of the intricate relationships among wood properties, modification techniques, and high-temperature performance.
Wood's vulnerability to combustion compromises its structural integrity during fire incidents, primarily due to a decrease in effective cross-section area. This study investigates the efficacy of impregnation Chinese fir lumbers with a 30 % concentration of borate-containing phenol-formaldehyde resin, coupled with a 30 % compression treatment, employed as exposed side laminas for glulam columns. Full-scale glulam columns underwent one-sided fire exposure to assess the impact of the modified laminas. Results reveal a significant increase in column ignition time by 55-195 s, due to the combined treatment. The charring rate of columns containing a single modified lamina in the fire-side zone decreased from 0.733 to 0.552 mm/min after 60 min of fire exposure and further reduced from 0.503 to 0.351 mm/min after 120 min fire exposure for double modified laminas. Compared to the control, glulam columns containing a single modified lamina showcased a 31 % increase in residual bearing capacity at 60 min fire exposure duration and a 62.1 % increase at 120 min with double modified laminas. ABAQUS simulation results corroborated experimental findings, highlighting substantial enhancement in fire resistance achieved due to the modified laminas in the fire-side zone.
The dowel-bearing properties of a newly laminated flattened-bamboo (LFB) composite for engineering use was studied in this research by using the 5% bolt diameter offset method. The effects of specimen dimensions, bolt diameter, density, and bolt placed direction were included. Computed tomography (CT) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to identify the failure type. The test results indicate that the parallel-to-grain dowel-bearing strength of LFB generally increased with an increasing density. When the bolt was placed along the LFB’s radial direction, the parallel-to-grain dowel-bearing strength approximately remained a constant (52 MPa) with the change of specimen dimensions and bolt diameter, while when the bolt was along the tangential direction, the dowel-bearing strength increased with the raising ratio of specimen thickness and bolt diameter. The first failure type was a crushing failure of bamboo fiber underneath the bolt, it happened when bolt diameter was small (12 mm and 14 mm) and placed along LFB’s radial direction. The second type was a splitting failure due to the lateral force generated by the bolt embedded into specimen, bamboo fiber splitting failure dominated for specimens with bolt along radial direction, while when bolt along tangential direction, glue layer splitting happened. The measured dowel-bearing strength was compared to the predictions obtained from equations in current wood specifications and articles. The results indicated that, except for the predicted values from the NDS equation (max error = 36%), which showed relatively reasonable agreement with the test values, the remaining predicted values exhibited discrepancies with the test values. To obtain proper predicted values, equations include density and ratio of specimen thickness and bolt diameter were proposed for calculation of LFB’s parallel-to-grain dowel-bearing strength.
A novel electrochemical sensor, MIP/Cu-MOF/rGO/AuNPs/GCE, was developed by depositing gold nanoparticles, coating Cu-MOF/GO on the surface of glassy carbon electrode (GCE) before electroreducing graphene oxide (GO) to rGO and covering molecularly imprinted membrane by electropolymerization for highly sensitive detection of electroneutral organophosphorus pesticide residues in agricultural product. Cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltametry, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy were used to characterize the imprinted sensor. Several key factors such as chitosan concentration, suspension volume, pH of polymerization solution, and polymerization scanning rate during preparation of the imprinted sensor were optimized in detail. When electroneutral phosmet was used as a template, the linear range of MIP/Cu-MOF/rGO/AuNPs/GCE for detecting phosmet was 1.00 × 10(-14)-5.00 × 10(-7) mol/L with the limit of detection of 7.20 × 10(-15) mol/L at working potentials of - 0.2 to 0.6 V. The selectivity, reproducibility, and repeatability of MIP/Cu-MOF/rGO/AuNPs/GCE were all acceptable. The recoveries of this method for determining phosmet in real samples ranged from 94.2 to 106.5%. The MIP/Cu-MOF/rGO/AuNPs/GCE sensor could be applied to detect electroneutral pesticide residues in organisms and agricultural products.
The high-value utilization of low-value wood can effectively address the shortage of wood resource, while also contributing to the global green sustainable development and the implementation of "dual carbon" strategy. The present study employed an innovative technology to achieve controllable surface reinforcement modification of fast-growing poplar wood, resulting in improved strength and exceptional flame retardancy for structural applications. The achievement was realized through a three-step method, involving delignification, impregnation, and surface densification, while minimizing the loss of wood volume. The results demonstrated that surface functional densification can significantly improve the mechanical properties of fast-growing poplar wood, with the modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) reaching 140.6 MPa and 11.8 GPa, respectively, representing a 3.4-fold and 2.5-fold increase compared to the control group (CK). The samples were found to possess thin surface-densified layers, while the core layer remained unaltered, thereby exhibiting a sandwich structure with significant disparity in density between the layers, reaching up to a factor of 2. The pores structure of the surface layers underwent significant densification, with a gradual deformation distributed throughout its thickness direction. A process optimized for surface densification involving a 2-hour delignification duration and a pressure of 3 MPa. The sample subjected to surface functional modification exhibited a 90-second delay in the peak of heat release compared with the CK. The heat release rate (HRR) experienced a significant deceleration, accompanied by notable reductions in total heat release (THR) and smoke production rate (SPR). The mechanisms underlying the enhancement of surface functionality were elucidated from the perspectives of physical mechanics, microstructure, and flame retardancy, providing a theoretical foundation for the efficient utilization of fast-growing wood.
Sb-based materials exhibit considerable potential for sodium-ion storage owing to their high theoretical capacities. However, the bulk properties of Sb-based materials always result in poor cycling and rate performances. To overcome these issues, pyridine-regulated Sb@InSbS3 ultrafine nanoplates loaded on reduced graphene oxides (Sb@InSbS3@rGO) were designed and synthesized. During the synthesis process, pyridine was initially adopted to coordinate with In3+, and uniformly dispersed In2S3 ultrafine nanoplates on reduced graphene oxide were generated after sulfidation. Next, partial In3+ was exchanged with Sb3+, and Sb@InSbS3@rGO was obtained by using the subsequent annealing method. The unique structure of Sb@InSbS3@rGO effectively shortened the transfer path of sodium ions and electrons and provided a high pseudocapacitance. As the anode in sodium-ion batteries, the Sb@InSbS3@rGO electrode demonstrated a significantly higher reversible capacity, better stability (445 mAh<middle dot>g(-1) at 0.1 A<middle dot>g(-1) after 200 cycles and 212 mAh<middle dot>g(-1) at 2 A<middle dot>g(-1) after 1200 cycles), and superior rate (210 mAh<middle dot>g(-1) at 6.4 A<middle dot>g(-1)) than the electrode without pyridine (355 mAh<middle dot>g(-1) at 0.1 A<middle dot>g(-1) after 55 cycles and 109 mAh<middle dot>g(-1) at 2 A<middle dot>g(-1) after 770 cycles). Furthermore, full cells were assembled by using the Sb@InSbS3@rGO as anode and Na3V2(PO4)(3) as cathode, which demonstrated good cycling and rate performances and exhibited promising application prospects. These results indicate that adjusting the microstructure of electrode materials through coordination balance is A<middle dot>good strategy for obtaining high-capacity, high-rate, and long-cycle sodium storage performances.
The function of the pith ring and cortex in biological and fluid exchanges with the surrounding environment implies a natural intelligence. Their ingenious structure enables bamboo to thrive and impacts its processing and utilization. As drying is an essential step in bamboo product manufacturing, in this study, the effects of the pith ring and cortex on the water loss, deformation, and cracking of bamboo at the macroscopic, tissue, and cellular levels were investigated. Our study revealed a previously unknown mechanism of bamboo drying deformation. The cortex significantly affected the rate of water loss, whereas the pith ring did not significantly reduce the drying rate. Three deformation mechanisms originating from the pith ring were identified: the cell structure and orientation, self-flattening during drying, and excellent bending performance in the chord direction. These pith ring characteristics led to a larger radius of the bamboo splits during drying. These findings expand our understanding of the natural intelligence of the inner and outer layers of bamboo and provide important insights into bamboo drying, deformation, cracking, bionics, and composite material manufacturing.
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>In order to overcome the problem of pesticide resistance, it is necessary to discover novel pesticides with new mechanisms of action. Herein, a series of novel pyrimidin‐4‐amine derivatives containing trifluoroethyl sulfide moiety were designed and synthesized. Bioassays indicated that the title compounds synthesized possessed excellent acaricidal activity against <jats:italic>Tetranychus urticae</jats:italic> and fungicidal activity against <jats:italic>Erysiphe graminis</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>Puccinia sorghi</jats:italic>. Especially, the acaricidal activity of <jats:italic>5‐chloro‐6‐(difluoromethyl)‐N‐(2‐(2‐fluoro‐4‐methyl‐5‐((2,2,2‐trifluoroethyl)thio)phenoxy)ethyl)pyrimidin‐4‐amine</jats:italic> (compound <jats:bold>T4</jats:bold>, LC<jats:sub>50</jats:sub> = 0.19 mg/L) against <jats:italic>T. urticae</jats:italic> was close to commercial acaricide cyenopyrafen, and the fungicidal activity of <jats:italic>5‐chloro‐6‐(difluoromethyl)‐2‐methyl‐N‐(2‐(3‐((2,2,2‐trifluoroethyl)thio)phenoxy)ethyl)pyrimidin‐4‐amine</jats:italic> (compound <jats:bold>T15</jats:bold>, EC<jats:sub>50</jats:sub> = 1.32 mg/L) against <jats:italic>P. sorghi.</jats:italic> was superior to commercial fungicide tebuconazole. The synthesis and characterization of these compounds were given and the structure–activity relationships were discussed.</jats:p>