Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2012年177 LNEE(VOL. 2):545-549 ISSN:1876-1100
Che, S.(cheshengbing727@163.com)
[Liu, Yan; Che, Shengbing] College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, 410004, Changsha, Hunan, China
2012 International Conference on Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, ICMEE 2012
Arnold transform;Chaotic system;Video watermarking;Visual masking
A quasi-blind adaptive video watermarking algorithm in uncompressed video wavelet domain based on human visual system is proposed in this paper. This algorithm established a visual model according to the human visual masking and the characteristics of wavelet coefficients. It did not require the scene segmentation of the video, choosing the video frames which used for embedding watermarking by the key, and embedding different watermarking which processed by Arnold scrambling into different frame, so it is robust to statistical analysis, frame crop and so on. To ensure the spatial synchrony when extracting the watermark information, zero-watermarking method and chaotic system are used to generate the synchronization information. The quantized central limit theorem is applied to adjust the low frequency coefficients, it makes the extracted watermark information keeps invariant when its element value changed in robust region. A new correlation detection method of watermarking information was put forward. Watermark detection does not require original video. It realized the quasi-blind watermark detection.
[Wang, Yonglin] Hunan Univ Arts & Sci, Sch Comp Sci & Technol, Changde 415000, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Liu, Yan] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Comp & Informat Engn, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.
[Wang, Yonglin] H;Hunan Univ Arts & Sci, Sch Comp Sci & Technol, Changde 415000, Hunan, Peoples R China.
International Conference on Material Engineering, Chemistry, Bioinformatics (MECB 2011)
AUG 21-22, 2011
[Wang, Yonglin] Hunan Univ Arts & Sci, Sch Comp Sci & Technol, Changde 415000, Hunan, Peoples R China.^[Liu, Yan] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Comp & Informat Engn, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.
Advanced Materials Research
BP neural network;Parameter optimization;Pattern recognition
BP neural network has strong fault-tolerant and adaptive learning capacity, so it is widely used in pattern recognition. Based on the classic BP neural network, parameters of the BP algorithm has been optimized, which achieved a classification based on the improved BP neural network algorithm. By discussing the use of BP neural network in the application of pattern classification recognition, this paper detailedly studies the recognition effect of various parameters. Experimental results show that the improved algorithms has very good practical value.
Global threshold segmentation;Local threshold segmentation;Pixel value adjustment;Semi-fragile watermarking
Based on human eye visual characteristics of brightness and texture, a new region segmentation method and quantitative formulas in transform domain were put forward. By dynamic quantization, the transparency of carrier images and the anti-attack capability of watermarking images were improved. And a new kind of adjustment operator was brought up, which adjusted the pixel value after inverse discrete wavelet transform.
2010 5th International Conference on Computer Science & Education,2010年:1367-1372
[Che Shengbing; Jin Shuai; Ling Guowei] College of Computer and Information Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China
The 5th International Conference on Computer Science & Education(第五届国际计算机新技术与教育学术研讨会 ICCSE'10)
The 5th International Conference on Computer Science & Education(第五届国际计算机新技术与教育学术研讨会 ICCSE'10)论文集
According to the structure analysis of Portable Execute File and its own characteristics, a software watermark framework model was put forward. By adding a new section used for storing control code and extracting feature information from the original PE file, the unique watermark marking for the software copyright was produced. After encryption, being divided, based on the assembled table, the watermark was embedded into the redundant space of each section. And then by means of abstract extraction from certain parts, it is helpful to further verify the integrity of PE file. Simulation shows that the algorithm framework model has a higher protection capacity for software copyright.
Based on texture visual features, region segmentation operator and quantization step equations were put forward. This guarantees the transparency of carrier image and the robustness of watermarking image extracted. After segmentation, the texture contour was clear, and the segmented results of smooth and texture region were satisfying. And it brought up the pixel value adjustment operator of IDWT. The basic idea of the algorithm is that after discrete wavelet transform, divided the low frequency coefficients LL into 2×2 blocks, then defined block coefficient suni Σ. If the value of Σ was greater than the threshold, the block was segmented into texture area, or segmented into smooth area. When quantifying the step, the intensity and texture coefficient were considered, which made the transparency and robustness optimal. Experimental results showed that the result of texture segmentation was obviously better than the present algorithms. The pixel value could be adjusted by coefficient adjustment operator exactly. The carrier image had not only good transparency, but also better anti-attack capability.
Journal of Multimedia,2010年5(3):290-297 ISSN:1796-2048
Shengbing, C.(cheshengbing727@tom.com)
[Zuguo Che; Xu Shu; Shengbing Che] College of computer and information engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Hunan Changsha 410004, China
Image compression operator based on discrete cosine transform was brought up. A securer scrambling locational operator was put forward based on the concept of anti-tamper radius. The basic idea of the algorithm is that it first combined image block compressed data with eigenvalue of image block and its offset block, then scrambled or encrypted and embeded them into least significant bit of corresponding offset block. This algorithm could pinpoint tampered image block and tampering type accurately. It could recover tampered block with good image quality when tamper occured within the limits of the anti-tamper radius. It could effectively resist vector quantization and synchronous counterfeiting attacks on self-embedding watermarking schemes.
Human Visual Gray Sensitivity;Adaptive Embedding;Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR);Information Hiding (IH)
Based on human visual gray sensitivity, a fragile large capacity spatial domain information hiding algorithm, and a new calculation formula of image peak signal-to-noise ratio were put forward. An adaptive embedding method was proposed, which had the minimum visual gray sensitivity when massive information were hidden into an original image. Experiments showed that this algorithm had massive amount of embedded information and excellent masking properties, and what’s more, once there is a bit tampered randomly, the watermarking image could not be recovered correctly. So it was suitable for the situation where the received information must be very strict reliably.
1st International Symposium on Information Engineering and Electronic Commerce
MAY 16-17, 2009
Ternopil, UKRAINE
semi-fragile watermarking;human visual features model;quantized;central limit theorem;coefficient redressal;restore probability;double-step
In order to improve the invisibility and It he robustness of semi-fragile watermarking, the paper first brings up the idea which embedding watermark based on the attacks' characteristic,brings forward the region segmentation operator and the double-step embedding method, puts forward the characteristic audits representation in DWT transform domain based on visual features model, and brings forward the quantized central limit theorem which applies to adjusting the coefficients in general transform domain. These all make semi-fragile watermarking embedded through dynamic quantization achieve the greatest robustness. It gives wavelet transform domain coefficient redressal operator and the best restore probability of the pixel value adjusting in experiments when the images were under attack. It leads up to a better invisibility of carrier image, a better robustness to the image processing, such as JPEG compression, noise adding, filtering, and the larger amount of embedded information. What's more, it can ascertain the position of vicious attack exactly.