Second -order memristor;Neuron model;Coexisting firing patterns;State switching without parameters
Memristor-based neuron models can effectively mimic firing activity of biological neurons and have attracted extensive attention. The firing activity of neurons is affected by complex internal and external factors in real nervous systems. Due to its synaptic plasticity and memory function, memristor is considered as an ideal candidate to mimic biological synapses. Furthermore, memristor can also well simulate the electromagnetic radiation effect due to its constitutive relationship. In this study, a second -order memristor with two internal variables is proposed and its nonlinear and locally active properties are analyzed by the memductance function and the DC V - I plot. Then, the second -order memristor is introduced into an Hindmarsh-Rose (HR) neuron to simulate the autapse coupling and the effect of the external electromagnetic radiation (ER) simultaneously, effectively simplifying the neuronal structure. The coexisting firing patterns and state switching without parameters are demonstrated by basin of attraction, phase portrait, time series and Lyapunov exponent spectrum. Firing pattern transitions induced by system parameters are also studied numerically. Finally, a neuron circuit is designed and Pispice simulation results verify the validity of the neuron model and the correctness of the numerical analysis.
New energy integration is thought to be one of the most potential solutions to support the power system with a sustainable energy infrastructure. However, new energy is an uncertain power generation resource, and the electricity generated by it has the characteristics of randomness, intermittency and reverse peak regulation. Its large-scale integration into the power grid makes the operation and reliability scheduling of the power system more challenging. It was important to build a wireless sensing and monitoring network to monitor the power and change trend of the new energy field (station) in real time. The energy consumption of wireless sensing monitoring network is an important factor to improve the reliability of new energy scheduling. Based on the energy consumption of the wireless sensing monitoring network built by the new energy scheduling, the compression sensing technology was integrated and the network routing protocol (I-LEACH protocol) was optimized. The sampling data was transmitted by the cluster head node at the compression rate of 0.6, the improved OMP (Orthogonal Matching Pursuit) algorithm was reconstructed to achieve reliable data transmission, and the network energy consumption was further reduced. Compared with the I-LEACH routing protocol network, the experiments show that the network residual energy of the proposed method increased by 22% and the life cycle increased by about 30%. This method is helpful to improve the reliability of new energy power dispatching system and it can provide reference for realizing the reliability scheduling of new energy power system.
[Lin, C ; Jiang, F] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Sch Comp & Informat Engn, Changsha, Peoples R China.
Water quality monitoring system;Multilevel network;Node layout strategy;Energy consumption optimization
Due to the complex environment in the field, the number of nodes and the energy consumption of nodes should be considered in the deployment of aquaculture water quality monitoring system. Therefore, according to the actual network framework of aquaculture water quality monitoring system, based on the energy balance mechanism of clustering routing protocol, clustering mode and path energy consumption model, a new node layout and energy consumption optimization strategy is proposed in this paper, by improving artificial bee colony algorithm and genetic algorithm, the number of relay nodes and energy consumption of network are reduced. Through simulation and comparison, it is verified that the network coverage can be increased by 36.92% when the proposed optimization strategy and PSO perform the node placement task in the same scenario. The improved artificial bee colony algorithm has a significant improvement in the network coverage of the monitored area with the same number of nodes. On the basis of this, the final node layout scheme obtained by GA extends the life cycle of the network to a certain extent, and proves the guidance and application value of the strategy in the process of system building.
[Jiang, Feng] S;School of Computer and Information Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, China.
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Fruit leaf diseases have a significant impact on the later development and maturity of fruits, so rapid and accurate identification of fruit leaf diseases plays an important role in the development of fruit production. In this paper, the leaf disease data set of 6 kinds of fruits is divided into 25 categories according to the species—the type of the disease—the severity, and we propose an improved model based on ResNet101 to identify woody fruit plant leaf diseases, in which a global average pooling layer is used to reduce model training parameters, layer normalization, dropout and L2 regularization are used to prevent model overfitting, SENet attention mechanism is used to improve the model's ability to extract features. At the same time, transfer learning is used to reduce training time and training parameters. Experimental results show that the overall accuracy of woody fruit plant leaf recognition based on this model can reach 85.90%. Compared with the classic ResNet network, the accuracy is increased by 1.20%, and the model parameters are reduced by 98.14%. Therefore, the model proposed in this paper provides a better solution for the identification of leaf diseases of woody fruit plants and has a higher accuracy rate.</jats:p>
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering,2021年2021:6658454:1-6658454:9 ISSN:2090-0147
[Chunhua Lin; Feng Jiang] School of Computer and Information Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
Energy utilization;Internet protocols;Leaching;Life cycle;Low power electronics;Adaptive clusters;Multi hop communication;Multidimensional optimization;Network energy consumption;Network life cycle;Optimized protocol;Remaining energies;Threshold functions;Power management (telecommunication)
With the gradual expansion of the application field in wireless sensor networks, the problems of the energy consumption has received more and more attention. In wireless sensor networks, the location of sensor nodes and gateway nodes are usually fixed. To ensure that the energy consumption of the sensor network is minimized during data transmission, it is necessary to optimize the placement of relay nodes. This paper proposes the solution of relay nodes placement based on optimal transmission distance, which can minimize the energy consumption and extend the lifetime of the entire network during the transmission process. This scheme starts with a one-dimensional queue network and calculates the optimal distance for each hop transmission to minimize the energy consumption of the one-dimensional queue network. Due to the poor connectivity of the one-dimensional queue network, the concept of the optimal transmission distance is introduced into two-dimensional network, so that the placement scheme can be divided into the symmetrical relay node placement and the asymmetric relay node placement. Finally, the energy consumption of the network is minimized by properly selecting relay nodes. The simulation show that the proposed relay node placement scheme can reduce the energy consumption of the sensor network and extend the network life cycle.
[罗黎明] School of Computer and Information Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410004, China;[于军] School of Optics & Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China;School of Science, Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China;[蒋峰] School of Computer and Information Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410004, China<&wdkj&>School of Optics & Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China;[陈建军] School of Optics & Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China<&wdkj&>School of Science, Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
School of Computer and Information Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China
[朱俊杰; 刘浩然; 蒋峰; 王湘中] School of Computer &Information Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha;410004, China;[朱俊杰; 刘浩然; 蒋峰; 王湘中] 410004, China
[Liu, H.] S;School of Computer &Information Engineering, China
[刘浩然; 王湘中; 朱俊杰; 蒋峰] School of Computer &, Information Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, 410004, China
School of Computer & Information Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, China
[Jiang, Feng] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Sch Comp & Informat Engn, Changsha 410004, Hunan, Peoples R China.
Cell lysis;microelectrode chip;microfluidic
Microelectrode chips were designed and prepared for cell lysis. The method involved pulverization of the cells by an electrical signal and attachment on the chip. Cell lysis was performed by a 10 volt square wave. This is a reduced voltage compared with traditional methods. This design offers an improved lysing rate, simple operation and design, and low cost.