In response to the deformation resistance deficiency and poor toughness characteristics of soil after microbial curing, a combination of fibre reinforcement technology and microbial curing technology was used to conduct microbial curing tests using basalt fibres and denitrifying bacteria. In this paper, the effects of fibre on the strength and toughness of soil consolidation were analysed by unconfined compressive strength test and direct shear test, and the stability of reinforced slope was analysed by numerical simulation. The results show the following. (1) Basalt fibre can effectively improve the characteristics of brittle damage of microbially consolidated soil while increasing the compressive and shear strength. (2) Fibre dosing and fibre length have important effects on the mechanical properties of microbially consolidated soil. (3) The appropriate amount of basalt fibre can promote the generation of calcium carbonate. (4) The plastic strain area of the slope decreases after microbial reinforcement and the maximum equivalent plastic stress decreases by 65 kPa.
Through the field test for the noise of anti-sliding and noise-reducing asphalt pavement in the test section and the compare the test results with dense gradation asphalt pavement in the adjacent test section, the analysis results showed that the anti-sliding and noise-reducing asphalt pavement possessed obvious noise reduction performance, but it has a certain attenuation in the later process of using. In general, the anti-sliding and noise-reducing asphalt pavement generates smaller noise than the ordinary dense gradation asphalt pavement, and it has a broad application prospect in urban road.
Yi, Wen*;He, Chang;Tang, Chengyan;Liu, Wei;Tan, Li
[Yi, Wen] Cent S Univ, Coll Civil Engn, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[He, Chang; Liu, Wei; Tan, Li; Tang, Chengyan] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Civil Engn & Mech, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.
International Conference on Architectural Engineering and New Materials (ICAENM)
JAN 30-31, 2015
[Yi, Wen] Cent S Univ, Coll Civil Engn, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.^[He, Chang;Tang, Chengyan;Liu, Wei;Tan, Li] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Civil Engn & Mech, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.
root and soil composite;direct shear test;shear strength;Bermuda roots;Manila roots
Slope protection of vegetation can effectively overcome the defect of engineering for slope protection. It not only protects soil, but also restore and protect the ecological environment. In this paper, it describes the mechanism of plant root reinforcement, root as the 3D reinforcement material. Earth containing roots regarded as the reinforced earth, Roots effect reinforce on soil, they increase the shear strength index cohesion C and internal friction angle values. We use the roots of Manila and Bermuda roots as experiment materials, then we put the earth with root to direct shear test. Finally, we get the different effects of two kinds of root on soil shear strength.