[Huang, Y ] N;[Zhang, MH ] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Landscape & Architecture, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;Nanning Univ, Coll Art & Design, Nanning 530200, Peoples R China.
Tree peony;Root rot;Pathogenic fungi;Biological control;Biocontrol bacteria;Synthetic consortium
Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa), a traditional Chinese cultivated flowering shrub and a prominent landscaping plant, is subject to root rot. The key symptoms of root rot include black roots and the yellowing of leaves. Biological control is an effective and eco-friendly strategy for managing this disease. This study focused on the isolation, identification, and biological control of the pathogens causing peony root rot. Utilizing tissue isolation, pathogenicity determination, and rDNA-ITS sequence analysis, Fusarium solani and Fusarium oxysporum were determined to be the primary causal agents of peony root rot. Illumina MiSeq high-throughput sequencing of 16 s-rDNA was used to investigate and characterize bacterial community structure and diversity in healthy and diseased peony roots, rhizosphere, and bulk soil. Results indicated that the presence of pathogenic fungi influences the structure of the rhizosphere bacterial community and that peony roots exhibit a strong selective effect on root bacterial colonization. Variations in the composition of the endophytic microbial community in healthy and diseased roots exceeded the variation in the rhizosphere. Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria are the dominant taxa in the rhizosphere and among root endophytes, comprising 90-96 % of the bacterial microbiota. The rhizosphere of healthy plants exhibits a significant enrichment in Proteobacteria (79.6 %) and Actinobacteria (14.9 %), while root endophytes in healthy plats exhibit enrichment in Proteobacteria (83.5 %). In contrast, the rhizosphere and root endophytes in diseased plants are abundant in Proteobacteria (69 % and 66.1 %, respectively). Notably, nine strains of biocontrol bacteria were isolated. Three synthetic bacterial consortia were then constructed based on inhibitory assays and the dissolving rates of phosphorus and potassium exhibited by the candidate bacteria. The synthetic bacterial consortia were evaluated for biocontrol and growth promotion properties. The constructed synthetic consortium with the best performance reduced the average morbidity and mortality of treated plants by 27.59 % and 55.56 %, respectively, compared to the untreated control. In summary, synthetic bacterial consortium I (SCI) exhibited the best disease control and growth-promoting effects on tree peony. Using a synthetic bacterial consortium represents a new and novel approach to the biological control of peony root rot.
Su, Xijing;Liu, Luyun;Yi, Pei;Chen, Cunyou;Zhang, Minhuan
International Journal of Biometeorology,2024年68(8):1483-1496 ISSN:0020-7128
Liu, LY
[Yi, Pei; Zhang, Minhuan; Liu, Luyun; Chen, Cunyou; Su, Xijing] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Sch Landscape Architecture, Changsha 410004, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Su, Xijing] Tianjin Chengjian Univ, Sch Architecture, Tianjin 300384, Peoples R China.;[Chen, Cunyou] Hunan Big Data Engn Technol Res Ctr Nat Protected, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.
[Liu, LY ] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Sch Landscape Architecture, Changsha 410004, Hunan, Peoples R China.
High-density central district;Morphological spatial pattern;K-means clustering;Thermal environment;ENVI-met simulation
Intense urban development and high urban density cause the thermal environment in urban centers to deteriorate continuously, affecting the quality of the living environment. In this study, 707.49 hectares of land in the central area of Changsha were divided into 121 plots. 11 microclimate-related morphological indicators were comprehensively selected, and the K-means method was used for cluster analysis. Then, the relationship between morphological clusters and the thermal environment was explored by simulating the thermal environment of the study area with ENVI-met. First, five spatial types were found to characterize the area: high-level with high floor area ratio, low density, and low greenery; middle-level with high floor area ratio high density; medium-capacity with high density and small volume; low-level with low density and high greenery; and low floor area ratio, low density, and high greenery. Second, the building windward surface density, sky openness, building density, floor area ratio and green space rate affect the thermal environment. Third, Cluster3 had the highest average air temperature (Ta), followed by Cluster5, furthermore Clusters4, 1, and2 had relatively low Ta. The spatial vitality index and green space rate in Cluster1; the area-weighted building shape index, average building volume and sky openness in Cluster2; green space rate in Cluster3; indicators such as the floor area ratio and green space rate in Cluster4; indicators such as the impervious surface rate and green space rate in Cluster5 had greater influences on Ta. Fourthly, simply increasing the area of green space cannot maximize the cooling effect of green spaces. Instead, constructing an equalized greening network can better regulate the thermal environment. Fifthly, the results provide a scientific basis for the design and the regulation of urban centers.
Adventitious root (AR) formation is a limiting factor in the vegetative propagation of tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.). PoARRO-1, which encodes an auxin oxidase involved in AR formation, plays a role in the root development of P. ostii, but its associated molecular regulatory mechanisms are not yet understood. In this study, we examined the role of PoARRO-1 in AR formation in P. ostii. The overexpression of PoARRO-1 in P. ostii test-tube plantlets led to a notable enhancement in both the rooting rate and the average number of ARs in vitro, as well as increased activities of peroxidase (POD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and indoleacetic acid oxidase (IAAO). PoARRO-1 was involved in the conversion of IAA-Asp and IAA-Glu to OxIAA and promoted IAA oxidation. RNA sequencing analysis revealed that PoARRO-1 overexpression led to upregulation of enzyme activity, auxin metabolism related genes. Further analyses showed that PoARRO-1 interacted with the 1-175 aa position of PoIAA27b to regulate the formation of ARs. We therefore propose that PoARRO-1 interacts with PoIAA27b to promote AR formation, and it may be useful targets for enhancing the in vitro propagation of P. ostii.
<jats:p>The RNA-Seq and gene expression data of mature leaves under high temperature stress of Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Hu Hong’ were used to explore the key genes of heat tolerance of peony. The weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) method was used to construct the network, and the main modules and core genes of co-expression were screened according to the results of gene expression and module function enrichment analysis. According to the correlation of gene expression, the network was divided into 19 modules. By analyzing the expression patterns of each module gene, Blue, Salmon and Yellow were identified as the key modules of peony heat response related functions. GO and KEGG functional enrichment analysis was performed on the genes in the three modules and a network diagram was constructed. Based on this, two key genes PsWRKY53 (TRINITY_DN60998_c1_g2, TRINITY_DN71537_c0_g1) and PsHsfB2b (TRINITY_DN56794_c0_g1) were excavated, which may play a key role in the heat shock response of peony. The three co-expression modules and two key genes were helpful to further elucidate the heat resistance mechanism of P. suffruticosa ‘Hu Hong’.</jats:p>
[Yan, YJ; Yan, Yujuan; Zhang, Minhuan; Zhou, Ningzhi; Wen, Yafeng] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Landscape & Architecture, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Yan, YJ; Yan, Yujuan; Zhang, Minhuan; Zhou, Ningzhi; Wen, Yafeng] Hunan Big Data Engn Technol Res Ctr Nat Protected, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Huang, Y; Huang, Yu] Nanning Univ, Nanning 530200, Peoples R China.
[Huang, Y ] N;[Yan, YJ ] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Landscape & Architecture, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;Hunan Big Data Engn Technol Res Ctr Nat Protected, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;Nanning Univ, Nanning 530200, Peoples R China.
Edgeworthia chrysantha;Flower color change;Carotenoid;Metabolome;Transcriptome
Edgeworthia chrysantha, a deciduous shrub endemic to China, is known for its high ornamental value, extensive cultivation history, and wide-ranging applications. However, theoretical research on this plant is severely lacking. While its flowering process displays striking color transitions from green (S1) to yellow (S2) and then to white (S3), the scientific exploration of this phenomenon is limited, and the underlying regulatory mechanisms are yet to be elucidated. Correlation analysis between phenotypic measurements and pigment content revealed that carotenoids and chlorophyll are the key pigments responsible for the color changes. Metabolomic analysis of carotenoids demonstrated that lutein and β-carotene were present at higher levels in S1, while S2 exhibited increased diversity and quantity of carotenoids compared to other stages. Notably, antheraxanthin, zeaxanthin, lycopene, and α-cryptoxanthin showed significant increases. In S3, apart from the colorless phytoene, other carotenoid metabolites were significantly reduced to extremely low levels. Transcriptomic data indicated that PSY, Z-ISO, crtZ, ZEP, PDS and ZDS are key genes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation, while NCED plays a crucial role in carotenoid degradation. SGR was identified as a key gene contributing to the progressive decline in chlorophyll content. Additionally, three transcription factors potentially regulating carotenoid metabolism were also identified. This study represents the first systematic investigation, spanning from phenotypic to molecular levels, of the color-changing phenomenon in E. chrysantha. The study elucidates the crucial pigments, metabolites, genes, and transcription factors responsible for flower color changes during the flowering process, thereby providing preliminary understanding of the intrinsic regulatory mechanisms. These findings establish a theoretical foundation for the genetic improvement of flower color in E. chrysantha.
[Liu, Huaiwan; Yi, Pei; Zhang, Minhuan; Liu, Luyun] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Sch Landscape Architecture, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Huang, Yu] Nanning Univ, Sch Art & Design, Nanning 530200, Peoples R China.;[Bedra, Komi Bernard] Cent South Univ, Sch Architecture & Art, Changsha 410083, Peoples R China.
[Luyun Liu; Yu Huang] A;Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.<&wdkj&>School of Art & Design, Nanning University, Nanning 530200, China<&wdkj&>Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.<&wdkj&>School of Landscape Architecture, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
thermal comfort;urban central area;morphological space;UTCI;ENVI-met
The high-density development of urban centers has worsened outdoor thermal comfort in many cities. In this study, ENVI-met was used to simulate thermal comfort, and the universal thermal climate index (UTCI) and eight urban morphological indicators were calculated at 348 sampling points in the urban center. The correlation results are shown as follows: (1) Thermal comfort is significantly and positively correlated with impervious surface, green area ratio, and sky openness, showing a strong negative correlation with building density, floor area ratio, and shadow hours. (2) The UTCI value decreases by 0.998 degrees C for every 1 h increase in shadow hours, increases by 0.746 degrees C for every 10% increase in sky view factor, decreases by 0.462 degrees C when the building density increases by 10%, and decreases by 0.596 degrees C for every 10% increase in the impervious area ratio. (3) The sampling points with better thermal comfort have similar spatial characteristics such as higher building density, higher volume ratio, smaller green area ratio, longer shadow hours, and smaller sky openness. (4) In the planning and design of urban centers, increasing shade can improve the shadow hours in the environment. Specifically, large open sites should be avoided.
[Zhang, Minhuan; Liu, Luyun; He, Fei] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Sch Landscape Architecture, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Huang, Yu] Nanning Univ, Sch Art & Design, Nanning 530200, Peoples R China.;[Bedra, Komi Bernard] Cent South Univ, Sch Architecture & Art, Changsha 410083, Peoples R China.;[Zhang, Minhuan] Hunan Big Data Engn Technol Res Ctr Nat Protected, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.
[Luyun Liu; Yu Huang] A;Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.<&wdkj&>School of Art & Design, Nanning University, Nanning 530200, China<&wdkj&>Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.<&wdkj&>School of Landscape Architecture, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
<jats:p>Global warming and the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon have significant impacts on human activities, against which it is necessary to develop effective coping strategies. Based on the local climate zone (LCZ) system, this study used the land-cover and surface temperature data on the Chang–Zhu–Tan (CZT) urban agglomeration in China in 2006, 2010, 2016, and 2020 to analyze the impact of climate change on the land surface temperature (LST) under different land-cover types. The results illustrate that the LCZ map generated on the basis of the improved World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT) is more accurate and efficient than the traditional method. The accuracy is increased by more than 15%. From 2006 to 2020, the main built-up types in the CZT urban agglomeration were the sparsely built, the large low-rise, and the compact mid-rise types. The low-plant type represents the most significant proportion of the natural types, followed by the water and the dense-tree types. The built-up types in the CZT urban agglomeration tend to be the high-rise, dense, and industrial types. Urban construction land is taken mainly from the sparsely built type of land. The average LST of the large low-rise and heavy-industry zones is significantly higher than the average LST of the three cities. The average LST values for the water and dense-tree zones are significantly lower than the other average LST values. The LST is stable in each LCZ, showing little correlation with the size of the LCZ area. Compact low-rise land use is ineffective against climate warming and inhibits economic growth. Compact high-rise and open high-rise land can not only effectively deal with climate warming but can also significantly stimulate economic growth. This paper helps us to understand the effect of land cover on climate warming and the economic benefits of LCZs in the CZT urban agglomeration and provides strategies to optimize the use of land resources.</jats:p>