Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,2024年129(7) ISSN:2169-8953
Xiang, WH
[Wang, Zhichao; Xiang, Wenhua; Xiang, WH] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, Changsha, Peoples R China.;[Du, Apeng; Wang, Zhichao; Zhu, Wankuan; Xu, Yuxing] Chinese Acad Forestry CAF, Res Inst Fast Growing Trees RIFT, Zhanjiang, Peoples R China.;[Du, Apeng; Wang, Zhichao] Guangdong Zhanjiang Eucalyptus Plantat Ecosyst Res, Zhanjiang, Peoples R China.;[Liu, Siru] CATAS, South Subtrop Crops Res Inst, Key Lab Trop Crops Nutr Hainan Prov, Zhanjiang, Peoples R China.
[Xiang, WH ] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, Changsha, Peoples R China.
nocturnal water use;nocturnal transpiration;stem refilling;Eucalyptus urophylla x E. grandis
Nocturnal water use (Q(night)) is an important component of the eucalyptus water budget, but it has always been under-appreciated and poorly understood. To improve the accuracy of water balance estimates and the understanding of the nocturnal water use process in eucalypts plantations, we conducted a 3-year study to investigate the characteristics of Q(night) and its components in an E. urophylla x E. grandis plantation in southern China. The results showed that the Q(night) of E. urophylla x E. grandis was substantial and the ratio of nocturnal to daily water use (R-night) was on average 12.35%, with higher R-night (14.97%) in the dry season than in the wet season (9.50%). The Q(night) includes two components, nocturnal transpiration (Tn) and nocturnal refilling (Re), which are driven by different factors. Nocturnal Re-Tn dynamics were controlled by a combination of nocturnal environmental factors that drive Tn and corresponding daytime environmental factors that drive daytime transpiration. Therefore, the compositional ratios of Tn and Re differed between weather conditions and months. We developed a novel method to distinguish between Re and Tn and quantified the dynamics of their ratios. We found that on a 3-year average, the Q(night) of E. urophylla x E. grandis was mainly used for Tn (58.63%). Our results highlight the non-ignorability of Q(night) and the high variability of the compositional ratios of Re and Tn, and suggest that Q(night) and its components should be accurately quantified and considered when studying the water balance in eucalyptus stands.
[Hu, Zhilong; Xiang, Wenhua; Xiang, WH] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Hu, Zhilong; Xiang, Wenhua; Xiang, WH] Huitong Natl Stn Sci Observat & Res Chinese Fir Pl, Huaihua 438107, Peoples R China.
[Xiang, WH ] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;Huitong Natl Stn Sci Observat & Res Chinese Fir Pl, Huaihua 438107, Peoples R China.
Ning, Chen*;Xiang, Wenhua;Mueller, Gregory M.;Egerton-Warburton, Louise M.;Yan, Wende;...
Plant and Soil,2020年446(1-2):179-193 ISSN:0032-079X
Ning, Chen
[Liu, Shuguang; Xiang, Wenhua; Yan, Wende; Ning, Chen] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, 498 Southern Shaoshan Rd, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Ning, Chen] Northwestern Univ, Program Plant Biol & Conservat, Evanston, IL 60208 USA.;[Mueller, Gregory M.; Egerton-Warburton, Louise M.] Chicago Bot Garden, Chicago, IL 60022 USA.
[Ning, Chen] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, 498 Southern Shaoshan Rd, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.
Community structure and function;Ectomycorrhizal fungi;Extracellular enzyme;Exotic pine;Rhizopogon;Russula
[Ouyang, Shuai; Wu, Huili; Lei, Pifeng; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Chen, Liang; Xiang, Wenhua; Zeng, Yelin; Deng, Xiangwen] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, Changsha 410004, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Ouyang, Shuai; Wu, Huili; Lei, Pifeng; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Chen, Liang; Xiang, Wenhua; Zeng, Yelin; Deng, Xiangwen] Huitong Natl Stn Sci Observat & Res Chinese Fir P, Huitong 438107, Peoples R China.;[Zeng, Lixiong; Xiao, Wenfa] Chinese Acad Forestry, Key Lab Forest Ecol & Environm, State Forestry Adm, Res Inst Forest Ecol Environm & Protect, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China.;[Li, Shenggong] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.;[Forrester, David I.] Swiss Fed Inst Forest Snow & Landscape Res WSL, Zurcherstr 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
[Xiang, Wenhua] C;[Xiang, Wenhua] H;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, Changsha 410004, Hunan, Peoples R China.;Huitong Natl Stn Sci Observat & Res Chinese Fir P, Huitong 438107, Peoples R China.
Chinese fir plantation;forest floor;phosphorus uptake;rhizosphere processes;soil phosphorus stock;nutrient mobilization;phosphorus recycling
The seasonal dynamic of gross primary productivity (GPP) has influences on the annual GPP (AGPP) of the terrestrial ecosystem. However, the spatiotemporal variation of the seasonal dynamic of GPP and its effects on spatial and temporal variations of AGPP are still poorly addressed. In this study, we developed a parameter, alpha(GPP), defined as the ratio of mean daily GPP (GPP(mean)) to the maximum daily GPP (GPP(max)) during the growing season, to analyze the seasonal dynamic of GPP based on Weibull function. The alpha(GPP) was a comprehensive parameter characterizing the shape, scale, and location of the seasonal dynamic curve of GPP. We calculated aGPP based on the data of GPP for 942 site-years from 115 flux sites in the Northern Hemisphere, and analyzed the spatiotemporal variation and influencing factors of the aGPP. We found that the aGPP of terrestrial ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphere ranged from 0.47 to 0.85, with an average of 0.62 +/- 0.06. The aGPP varied significantly both among different climatic zones and different ecosystem types. The alpha(GPP) was stable on the interannual scale, while decreased as latitude increased, which was consistent across different ecosystem types. The spatial pattern of the seasonal dynamic of astronomical radiation was the dominating factor of the spatial pattern of alpha(GPP), that was, the spatial pattern of the seasonal dynamic of astronomical radiation determined that of the seasonal dynamic of GPP by controlling that of seasonal dynamics of total radiation and temperature. In addition, we assessed the spatial variation of AGPP preliminarily based on alpha(GPP) and other seasonal dynamic parameters of GPP, indicating that the understanding of the spatiotemporal variation of alpha(GPP) could provide a new approach for studying the spatial and temporal variations of AGPP and estimating AGPP based on the seasonal dynamic of GPP.
Vegetation restoration affects the stability of soil organic carbon (SOC) by changing the composition of soil carbon pools, including active carbon (C-a), the labile pool of SOC; slow carbon (C-s), the physically stabilized pool of SOC; and resistant carbon (C-r), the chemically stabilized pool of SOC. The aims of this study were to determine how SOC pools changed during restoration of a subtropical forest and to what extent vegetation characteristics and soil properties affected the changes in SOC pools. Soil samples were collected to 40 cm in four plant communities along a restoration chronosequence: scrub-grassland (4-5 years), shrubs (10-12 years), coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest (45-46 years), and evergreen broadleaved forest (90-91 years). Laboratory incubations were used to measure CO2 production during SOC mineralization, and acid hydrolysis was used to measure C-r. The CO2 production and C-r data were fitted to a three-component first-order kinetic model to determine the C-a and C-s. Pearson's correlations, stepwise multiple line regressions, and variation partitioning analysis were used to determine the key factors that affected SOC pools. The results showed that vegetation restoration increased the contents of SOC from 1.67 to 47.6 g kg(-1), C a from 0.03 to 0.35 g kg(-1), C, from 1.32 to 24.5 g kg(-1), and C-r from 0.33 to 22.8 g kg(-1). During vegetation restoration, the increase in SOC was primarily due to carbon (C) stored in stable pools (i.e., C-s or C-r), and the portion of C-r in total SOC increased markedly from 18.5 to 56.3%. Fine root biomass was the primary driver that controlled SOC pools during vegetation restoration. The C/N ratio of litter had a greater effect on C-a and C-s than that of other factors, whereas the soil clay content contributed secondarily to C-r. The results suggest that vegetation restoration increases not only the amounts of SOC, C-a, C-s, and C-r but also the stability of the SOC pool in subtropical soil. The relatively rapid increases in C-s and C-r following vegetation restoration played a crucial role in C sequestration. Therefore, strong measures to preserve natural forests and facilitate vegetation restoration should be the primary approach to increase long-term soil C sequestration in this region.
[Chen, Lingxiu; Wu, Huili; Chen, Liang; Xiang, Wenhua; Zeng, Yelin; Ouyang, Shuai; Lei, Pifeng; Zhou, Bo] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Chen, Lingxiu; Wu, Huili; Chen, Liang; Xiang, Wenhua; Ouyang, Shuai; Lei, Pifeng] Huitong Natl Stn Sci Observat & Res Chinese Fir P, Huitong, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Forrester, David I.] Swiss Fed Inst Forest Snow & Landscape Res WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.;[Ge, Tida] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Subtrop Agr, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Song, Xinzhang] Zhejiang A&F Univ, State Key Lab Subtrop Silviculture, Linan, Peoples R China.
[Xiang, Wenhua] C;[Xiang, Wenhua] H;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.;Huitong Natl Stn Sci Observat & Res Chinese Fir P, Huitong, Hunan, Peoples R China.
<jats:list-item><jats:p>Increased availability of soil phosphorus (P) has recently been recognised as an underlying driving factor for the positive relationship between plant diversity and ecosystem function. The effects of plant diversity on the bioavailable forms of P involved in biologically mediated rhizospheric processes and how the link between plant and soil microbial diversity facilitates soil P bioavailability, however, remain poorly understood.</jats:p></jats:list-item>
<jats:list-item><jats:p>This study quantified four forms of bioavailable P (CaCl<jats:sub>2</jats:sub>‐P, citric‐P, enzyme‐P and HCl‐P) in mature subtropical forests using a novel biologically based approach, which emulates how rhizospheric processes influence the release and supply of available P. Soil microbial diversity was measured by Illumina high‐throughput sequencing.</jats:p></jats:list-item>
<jats:list-item><jats:p>Our results suggest that tree species richness significantly affects soil microbial diversity (<jats:italic>p</jats:italic><0.05), increases litter decomposition, fine‐root biomass and length and soil organic carbon and thus increases the four forms of bioavailable P. A structural equation model that links plants, soil microbes and P forms indicated that soil bacterial and fungal diversity play dominant roles in mediating the effects of tree species richness on soil P bioavailability.</jats:p></jats:list-item>
<jats:list-item><jats:p>An increase in the biodiversity of plants, soil bacteria and fungi could maintain soil P bioavailability and alleviate soil P limitations. Our results imply that biodiversity strengthens plant and soil feedback and increases P recycling.</jats:p></jats:list-item>
</jats:p><jats:p>A <jats:ext-link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2435.13355/suppinfo">plain language summary</jats:ext-link> is available for this article.</jats:p>
Ecology and Evolution,2019年9(9):5338-5347 ISSN:2045-7758
Deng, Xiangwen
[Ouyang, Shuai; Xiang, Wenhua; Yan, Wende; Wu, Anchi; Fang, Xi; Deng, Xiangwen] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Ouyang, Shuai; Xiang, Wenhua; Yan, Wende; Wu, Anchi; Fang, Xi; Deng, Xiangwen] Natl Engn Lab Appl Technol Forestry & Ecol South, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.;[Ouyang, Shuai; Xiang, Wenhua; Yan, Wende; Wu, Anchi; Fang, Xi; Deng, Xiangwen] Huitong Natl Stn Sci Observat & Res Chinese Fir P, Huitong, Peoples R China.;[He, Honglin] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, Key Lab Ecosyst Network Observat & Modeling, Beijing, Peoples R China.;[Ren, Xiaoli; He, Honglin] Chinese Acad Sci, Grad Univ, Beijing, Peoples R China.
[Deng, Xiangwen] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Fac Life Sci & Technol, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China.
community structure;neutral theory model;niche model;secondary forests;spatial scaling;species abundance distributions
To quantify and assess the processes underlying community assembly and driving tree species abundance distributions(SADs) with spatial scale variation in two typical subtropical secondary forests in Dashanchong state-owned forest farm, two 1-ha permanent study plots (100-m x 100-m) were established. We selected four diversity indices including species richness, Shannon-Wiener, Simpson and Pielou, and relative importance values to quantify community assembly and biodiversity. Empirical cumulative distribution and species accumulation curves were utilized to describe the SADs of two forests communities trees. Three types of models, including statistic model (lognormal and logseries model), niche model (broken-stick, niche preemption, and Zipf-Mandelbrodt model), and neutral theory model, were estimated by the fitted SADs. Simulation effects were tested by Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Results found that the Fagaceae and Anacardiaceae families were their respective dominance family in the evergreen broad-leaved and deciduous mixed communities. According to original data and random sampling predictions, the SADs were hump-shaped for intermediate abundance classes, peaking between 8 and 32 in the evergreen broad-leaved community, but this maximum increased with size of total sampled area size in the deciduous mixed community. All niche models could only explain SADs patterns at smaller spatial scales. However, both the neutral theory and purely statistical models were suitable for explaining the SADs for secondary forest communities when the sampling plot exceeded 40 m. The results showed the SADs indicated a clear directional trend toward convergence and similar predominating ecological processes in two typical subtropical secondary forests. The neutral process gradually replaced the niche process in importance and become the main mechanism for determining SADs of forest trees as the sampling scale expanded. Thus, we can preliminarily conclude that neutral processes had a major effect on biodiversity patterns in these two subtropical secondary forests but exclude possible contributions of other processes.