[Li, Zhi; Zhu, Mingshan; Zhou, Daixi] Jinan Univ, Sch Environm, Guangdong Key Lab Environm Pollut & Hlth, Guangzhou 511443, Peoples R China.;[Hu, Xinjiang] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Chen, Li] Chinese Peoples Liberat Army Gen Hosp, Med Ctr 1, Dept Gen Practice, Beijing 100853, Peoples R China.
[Chen, L ] C;[Zhu, MS ] J;Jinan Univ, Sch Environm, Guangdong Key Lab Environm Pollut & Hlth, Guangzhou 511443, Peoples R China.;Chinese Peoples Liberat Army Gen Hosp, Med Ctr 1, Dept Gen Practice, Beijing 100853, Peoples R China.
advanced oxidation process;persulfate;reactive oxygen species;single atom catalysts;substance
In this review, SACs with different metal species and substrates are summarized to investigate the metal−support interaction effects on the persulfate oxidation reaction for water treatments. Abstract With maximum utilization of active metal sites, more and more researchers have reported using single atom catalysts (SACs) to activate persulfate (PS) for organic pollutants removal. In SACs, single metal atoms (Fe, Co, Cu, Mn, etc.) and different substrates (porous carbon, biochar, graphene oxide, carbon nitride, MOF, MoS2, and others) are the basic structural. Metal single atoms, substances, and connected chemical bonds all have a great influence on the electronic structures that directly affect the activation process of PS and degradation efficiency to organic pollutants. However, there are few relevant reviews about the interaction between metal single atoms and substances during PS activation process. In this review, the SACs with different metal species and substrates are summarized to investigate the metal−support interaction and evaluate their effects on PS oxidation reaction process. Furthermore, how metal atoms and substrates affect the reactive species and degradation pathways are also discussed. Finally, the challenges and prospects of SACs in PS‐AOPs are proposed.
Improving the adsorption performance of wetland fillers is of great significance for enhancing pollutant removal in constructed wetlands. Currently, limited by complex preparation processes and high costs, large numbers of high adsorption fillers studied in lab are difficult to be applied in practical engineering. In this study, a newly low-cost and efficient phosphorus removal composite wetland filler (CFB) is prepared by using industrial and agriculture waste (steel slag and oyster shells) and natural ore (volcanic rock) as raw materials. The results show that phosphorus removal efficiency was largely enhanced by synergistic effects of steel slag, oyster shells, and volcanic rock, and it was mainly influenced by the proportion of each component of CFB. Based on the fitting of the classical isothermal equation, the adsorption capacity of CFB is 18.339 mg/g. The adsorption of phosphorus by CFB is endothermic and spontaneous, and there are heterogeneous surfaces and multi-layer adsorption processes, as well as pH value and temperature, are free from the influence on CFB phosphorus removal. During the practical wastewater application experiments, the phosphorus removal rate of the CFB-filled constructed wetland apparatus (CW-A) can reach 94.89% and is free from the influence on the removal of other pollutants (COD, TN, and NH(3)-N) by the system. Overall, the prepared CFB is of excellent decontamination effect, an extremely simple preparation process, low cost, and sound practical engineering application potential, providing new ideas and approaches for enhancing the phosphorus removal capacity and waste resource utilization of constructed wetland systems.
Science of The Total Environment,2024年922:171245 ISSN:0048-9697
Zeng, Peng;Zhou, H
[Liao, Bohan; Zhou, Hang; Zeng, Peng; Liao, Ye; Liu, Jiawei; Gu, Jiaofeng; Ni, Li; Zeng, P] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Liao, Bohan; Zeng, Peng; Gu, Jiaofeng; Zhou, Hang] Hunan Engn & Technol Res Ctr Soil Pollut Remediat, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Wang, Yun] Hunan Univ Arts & Sci, Coll Life & Environm Sci, Changde 415000, Peoples R China.;[Li, Qian; Gu, Jiaofeng] Hunan Res Inst Nonferrous Met Co Ltd, Changsha 410100, Peoples R China.
[Zhou, H ; Zeng, P] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.
Cd and As pollution soil;Compound passivator coupled with foliar spraying and soil applying Si fertilizer;Health risk evaluation;Rice
Cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) are precedence-controlled contaminants in paddy soils, that can easily accumulate in rice grains. Limestone and sepiolite (LS) compound passivator can obviously reduce Cd uptake in rice, whereas Si fertilizer can effectively decrease rice As uptake. Here, the synergistic effects of the LS compound passivator coupled with Si fertilizer (LSCS) on the soil pH and availability of Si, Cd, and As, as well as rice grain Cd and As accumulation and its health risk were studied based on a 3-year consecutive field experiment. The results showed that the LSCS performed the best in terms of synchronously decreasing soil Cd and As availability and rice Cd and As uptake. In the LSCS treatments, soil pH gradually decreased with the rice-planting season, while soil available Cd and As contents gradually increased, suggesting that the influence of LSCS on Cd and As availability gradually weakened with rice cultivation. Nonetheless, the contents of Cd and inorganic As (i-As) in rice grains treated with LSCS were slightly affected by cultivation but were significantly lower than the single treatments of LS compound passivator or Si fertilizer. According to the Cd and As limit standards in food (GB2762-2022), the Cd and i-As content in rice grains can be lowered below the standard by using the 4500kg/hm(2) LS compound passivator coupled with 90kg/hm(2) Si fertilizer in soil and spraying 0.4g/L Si fertilizer on rice leaves for at least three years. Furthermore, health risk evaluation revealed that LSCS treatments significantly reduced the estimated daily intake, annual excess lifetime cancer risk, and hazard quotient of Cd and i-As in rice grains. These findings suggest that LSCS could be a viable approach for reducing Cd and As accumulation in rice grains and lowering the potential health risks associated with rice.
[Huang, C ] C;Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.
Advanced oxidation process (AOP);Peroxymonosulfate;Sulfidated zero-valent iron (S-mZVI);Visible light irradiation
This study developed a novel process named sulfidated zero-valent iron/peroxymonosulfate/visible light irradiation (S-mZVI/PMS/vis) for enhanced organic pollutant degradation. The S-mZVI/PMS/vis process exhibited remarkable catalytic activity, achieving a 99.6% rhodamine B (RhB) removal within 10min. The degradation rate constant of RhB by the S-mZVI/PMS/vis process was found to be 6.49 and 79.84 times higher than that by the S-mZVI/PMS and PMS/vis processes, respectively. Furthermore, the S-mZVI/PMS/vis process worked efficiently across a wide pH range (3.0-9.0), and the result of five-cycle experiments demonstrated the excellent reusability and stability of S-mZVI. Radical quenching tests and electron paramagnetic resonance analysis indicated that ·O(2)(-), (1)O(2), and h(+)significantly contributed to the degradation of RhB through the S-mZVI/PMS/vis process. The visible light irradiation increased the Fe(2+) concentration, improved the Fe(3+)/Fe(2+) cycle, and consequently enhanced the PMS decomposition, reactive species production, and RhB degradation. This work offers a promising strategy to highly efficiently activate PMS for organic pollutants elimination from aqueous solutions.
[周霞; 胡雨丹; 陈琼; 谭文韬] College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, 410004, China;Hunan Engineering Laboratory for Control of Rice Quality and Safety, Changsha, 410004, China;[周航; Zeng P.; 辜娇峰; 廖柏寒] College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, 410004, China<&wdkj&>Hunan Engineering Laboratory for Control of Rice Quality and Safety, Changsha, 410004, China
Predicting dust pollution is necessary to achieve good air quality and patient recovery. In the era of big data, there are already many machine learning algorithms for predicting the concentration of air pollutant PM2.5. However, these model methods perform poorly when dealing with massive air quality data sets and do not solve the impact of data distribution imbalance. Therefore, a multi-strategy collaborative feature selection method combining random forests and recursive feature elimination with adaptive boosting rotation forest (RFR-ABROF) algorithm is proposed. On this basis, multi-class adaptive synthetic sampling (Multi-ADASYN) strategy is introduced to balance the imbalanced air quality data set. We verified the effectiveness of the model through comparative experiments, which show our proposed model has the higher values of accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score, and ROC curve area under evaluation indicators in the air quality data set of four locations in most cases, and the more considerable the amount of data, the better the model prediction performance.
Bacteria colonized on solid electrode developing electroactive biofilm (EAB) has been shown to promote the contaminants biodegradation. Regulating electrode potential can improve the stability of extracellular electron transfer (EET), but how the electrode potential regulating the extracellular polymer secretion and the tetracycline (TC) removal has not been fully studied. Here, EAB cultured at 0 V was used to study the degradation mechanism of TC at different electrode potentials. Results showed that −0.1 V was the optimized electrode potential for TC biodegradation compared with 0.1 V, 0 V and −0.3 V, which was 28 % higher than that without electric field. Stimulation of electric field can retain proper extracellular polymer (EPS) to relieve the poison of TC, while excessive extracellular polysaccharide (PS) at 0 V have hindered the contact between microorganisms and TC, thus limited electron transfer and reduced the TC biodegradation efficiency. Excessively negative potential (−0.3 V) will restrict the electron transfer which was not conducive to the biodegradation of organic pollutants. Microbial community analysis revealed that TC addition have refreshed the EAB structure, Dokdonella and Norank_f_Rikenellaceae replaced Geobacter as the dominant species in EAB to promote TC biodegradation. The variation of metabolic pathway was suggested that the up-regulation of pyruvate metabolism and ubiquinone synthesis at −0.1 V have promoted the TC removal. This study has provided theoretical support for the electrode potential regulating the extracellular polymer secretion and promoting the pollution bioremediation.
[Jiyang Li; Cheng Qi] Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Solid Waste Treatment and Resource Recovery, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China;[Hanyi Jiang] China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China;[Qian Zhou] College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai, China;[Michael Palocz-Andresen] Shanghai Jiao Tong University Sichuan Research Institute, Chengdu, China;[Weihua Cao] Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group)Co. Ltd, Shanghai, China
[Ziyang Lou] S;Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Solid Waste Treatment and Resource Recovery, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China<&wdkj&>China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China<&wdkj&>Shanghai Institute of Pollution Control and Ecological Security, Shanghai, China<&wdkj&>China Institute for Urban Governance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Best available technology (BAT);Waste plastics;Environmental impact;Carbon emission
The best available technology (BAT) for waste plastics relies on their components and the right technology employed, while the quality of waste plastics depends on the original plastics and the source separation processes simultaneously. In this study, the quality of waste plastics and the potential recycling processes, including recycling granulation, pyrolysis to oil, Green-RDF and incineration technology, were co-related from the economic and technical perspective. A database was established for waste plastic components, considering factors such as plastic fraction, waste composition, moisture content, and impurity rate. The corresponding environmental impacts for the typical resource processes were assessed by life cycle analysis (LCA) and cost–benefit analysis combined. It was found that around 23% ± 1% of waste plastics in residual waste had the resource potential if the stricter classification criteria of plastic wastes were adopted, such as the components, moisture content less than 5% or 8% and impurity rate less than 8%. Pyrolysis to oil had the best environmental benefits in GWP100, reaching -1,683.51 kg CO2 equivalent (CO2-eq), determined as the best method for high-value plastics, and incineration depicted poor environmental benefits for low-value plastics. The net income of recycling granulation for middle-value waste plastics would achieve 1383 ± 35 yuan/ton through cost–benefit analysis, which represented the optimal economic benefits. CO2 emissions for waste plastics could be mitigated around 29.74% by matching BATs compared to the current management system, which would provide policymakers with proper recommendations in terms of the adaptability of waste plastic sources and technologies.
Antimicrobial resistance is a global health security issue of widespread concern. Recent studies have unveiled the potential contribution of non-antibiotics to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. This study investigated the effect of carbamazepine, a non-antibiotic pharmaceutical, on the fate of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) during anaerobic digestion. The results, as revealed by both metagenomic sequencing and absolute quantification, demonstrated that carbamazepine induced the enrichment of ARGs and increased the abundance of ARGs hosts by 1.2-2.1 times. Carbamazepine facilitated microbial aggregation and intercellular communication by upregulating functional genes associated with two-component systems, quorum sensing and type IV secretion systems, thereby increasing the frequency of ARGs conjugation. Furthermore, carbamazepine induced the acquisition of ARGs by pathogens and elevated the overall pathogenic abundance. This study revealed the mechanisms of microbial self-regulation and ARGs transmission under carbamazepine stress, highlighting the potential health risks posed by non-antibiotic pharmaceuticals during the safe disposal of sludge.
[Xiao, Lu; Cheng, Hao; Wen, Wu] Beijing Normal Univ, Instrumentat & Serv Ctr Sci & Technol, Zhuhai 519087, Peoples R China.;[Xiao, Lu; Jiang, Xiaoman; Xia, Xinghui; Wen, Wu; Li, Siling; Xia, XH; Gao, Lijuan] Beijing Normal Univ, Sch Environm, Key Lab Water & Sediment Sci, Minist Educ,State Key Lab Water Environm Simulat, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China.;[Gao, Lijuan] Beijing Normal Univ, Off Lab & Equipment Management, Zhuhai 519087, Peoples R China.;[Cheng, Hao] Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410004, Peoples R China.;[Zhang, Shangwei; Zhang, SW] Beijing Normal Univ, Adv Interdisciplinary Inst Environm & Ecol, Zhuhai 519087, Peoples R China.
[Zhang, SW ; Xia, XH ] B;Beijing Normal Univ, Sch Environm, Key Lab Water & Sediment Sci, Minist Educ,State Key Lab Water Environm Simulat, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China.;Beijing Normal Univ, Adv Interdisciplinary Inst Environm & Ecol, Zhuhai 519087, Peoples R China.
Perfluoroalkyl substances;Rainwater;Sediment;Spatiotemporal pattern;Surface water
The source region of the Yellow River (SRYR) located in the northeast of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is not only the largest runoff-producing area in the Yellow River Basin, but also the most important freshwater-supply ecological function area in China. In this study, the short-term spatiotemporal distribution of selected legacy and alternative perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in the SRYR was first investigated in multiple environmental media. Total PFAA concentrations were in the range of 1.16-14.3 ng/L, 4.25-42.1 pg/L, and 0.21-13.0 pg/g dw in rainwater, surface water, and sediment, respectively. C4-C7 PFAAs were predominant in various environmental matrices. Spatiotemporal characteristics were observed in the concentrations and composition profiles. Particularly, the spatial distribution of rainwater and the temporal distribution of surface water exhibited highly significant differences (p<0.01). Indian monsoon, westerly air masses, and local mountain-valley breeze were the driving factors that contributed to the change of rainwater. Rainwater, meltwater runoff, and precursor degradation were important sources of PFAA pollution in surface water. Organic carbon content was a major factor influencing PFAA distribution in sediment. These results provide a theoretical basis for revealing the regional transport and fate of PFAAs, and are also important prerequisites for effectively protecting the freshwater resource and aquatic environment of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.
Municipal waste;Processed organic waste;Waste disposal;Carbon sequestration;Agriculture
Agricultural utilization of processed municipal organic waste (AUPMOW) offers a method of recycling organic waste to enhance crop productivity, maintain soil health, and increase carbon storage in plants. By effectively implementing AUPMOW, it can significantly contribute to a circular economy by managing waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This review examines existing research on carbon mitigation through AUPMOW to guide future decisions on its implementation. It explores the mechanisms of carbon flow in agriculture and the characteristics of processed municipal organic waste (PMOW). Additionally, environmental, managerial, and systemic factors affecting AUPMOW efficacy are analyzed. Furthermore, it discusses the impact of policies and regulations on AUPMOW implementation. Some recommendations are made for optimizing current AUPMOW practices, including strengthening regulatory frameworks, managing soil contamination risks, reducing CH4 and N2O emissions during storage, considering long-term environmental impacts, selecting suitable locations, and employing minimally invasive farming methods. This review demonstrates how PMOW can improve soil carbon sequestration and offers a sustainable agricultural solution. It provides an overview of current research on the carbon mitigation potential of AUPMOW, recommends best management practices (BMPs) for future implementations, and identifies key insights for policymakers, emphasizing reduced reliance on chemical fertilizers and highlighting areas for future research.
Metal-based materials are widely regarded as promising catalysts for activating peroxymonosulfate (PMS) to remove refractory organic contaminants with high efficiency. In our study, Ni-Fe layered double hydroxide (LDH)-biochar (BC) composite-induced PMS-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) was utilized to elucidate the degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride (TCH). In Ni-Fe LDH-BC/PMS system, more than 99% TCH (45 mu M) could be removed effectively at low doses of oxidant (PMS, 0.10 mM) and catalyst (Ni-Fe LDH-BC, 0.10 g/L) addition within 80 min. Besides, the Ni-Fe LDH-BC/PMS system showed high resistance to some inorganic anions, and the Ni-Fe LDH-BC composite possessed excellent reusability in the degradation of TCH (>99% in four cyclic experiments). The reaction mechanisms were investigated via electron paramagnetic resonance detection, chemical quenching tests, probe experiments, and electrochemical measurements. These results indicated that the electron-shuttle mechanism played the dominant role in the removal of TCH. It is worth noting that determination of PMS concentration can reflect the reliability of quenching experiments. In the Ni-Fe LDH-BC composite, BC could not only improve the dispersion of Ni-Fe LDH, but also increase the conductivity of Ni-Fe LDH. Overall, a successful modification strategy was proposed in our study to improve the catalytic property of Ni-Fe LDH, and reaction mechanisms of TCH degradation were discussed deeply and comprehensively.
Single-atom catalysts have wide application prospects in peroxydisulfate (PDS)-based advanced oxidation process to degrade organic pollutants, but its catalytic performance is limited due to its cost, Metal-N coordination number, and single-atom loading amount. Herein, a novel nitrogen doped algal-based carbon confined singleatom copper catalyst (Cu-N/C-SAC((S))) was synthesized using molten salt assisted pyrolysis and coupling with PDS to degrade tetracycline (TC). AC-HAADF-STEM and XAFS analysis proved that single atom Cu was loaded (Content 1.9 %) successfully and coordinated with two N and two C. XPS and XANES spectra analysis suggested that Cu atoms mainly existed in a positive divalent state in Cu-N/C-SAC(S). When the catalyst dosage of Cu-N/CSAC((S)) was 0.1 g/L, TC was almost completely removed. Moreover, Cu-N/C-SAC(S) had a broad pH adaptation range and strong ability against interference. Singlet oxygen (O-1(2)), superoxide radicals (center dot O-2(-)), and electron transfer had an important contribution for TC removal. DFT calculations confirmed that the activation process of Cu-N/C-SAC((S)) producing SO4 center dot- was easier than the nitrogen doped blue-green algal-based carbon (N-BGAC). In addition, Cu-N/C-SAC((S)) possessed good recyclability and stability. The main degradation pathways of TC were analyzed, and the toxicity of the intermediates was calculated. This study provides a new solution strategy for the resource utilization of waste biomass, and provides technical support and theoretical guidance for the efficient application of single-atom catalysts in organic wastewater.
[Yufei Wu; Kelin Li; Xiaohua Fu] College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan, 410004, China
[Yufei Wu] C;College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan, 410004, China
Data envelopment analysis;Zero-sum game;Quality function deployment;Carbon emissions;Carbon reduction;Allowance allocation
As the global economic environment changes, the concept of green and sustainable development has become the international community’s consensus. As a participant in the worldwide emission reduction plan, China is also under great pressure to reduce carbon emissions. As an example, this study constructs an optimal scheme for regional carbon emission allowance allocation in Hunan Province, China. We first forecast the total carbon emissions in 2030 for each city, state, and major industry in Hunan Province through a scenario and then innovatively use the mass function allocation theory in marketing to sort out the logical ideas of the optimization model. More importantly, we combine the zero-sum game theory to build the zero-sum game-data envelopment analysis model to continuously reallocate the carbon emission allowances of each city and state and major industries in Hunan Province until the optimal allocation scheme is reached. From the perspective of each city and state, the initial carbon emission efficiency level of fourteen cities in Hunan is high, but there are still some differences. From the perspective of industries, the initial efficiency of carbon emission of six major industries in Hunan is lower, and the difference in efficiency values is evident.