Funding: This research was funded by the Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department Funding: This research was funded by the Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department of China [No. 17C1662], the Youth Scientific Research Fundation of Central South University of Forestry and Forestry and Technology [No. 2017YJ018]. Technology [No. QJ2012012], and the Research Foundation for Advanced Talents of Central South University of Acknowledgments:Forestry and TechnoThelogyauthors[No. 2017YacknowledJ018]. ge Nannan Wang and Xiaomin Zhou for their technical assistance with measurement of electromagnetic parameters and the calculation of reflection loss. Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge Nannan Wang and Xiaomin Zhou for their technical assistance Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. with measurement of electromagnetic parameters and the calculation of reflection loss.