This research was funded by Hunan Natural Science Foundation Project, grant number 2022JJ31010, 2023JJ41035, the sponsors are all Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Department, with a funding amount of 50,000 yuan each, and the Youth Scientific Research Foundation of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, grant number 2019YJ037, the funder is Central South University of Forestry and Technology, with a funding amount of 20,000 yuan, and this research was funded by Hunan Provincial Department of Education Graduate Science and Technology Innovation Project, grant number 2023CX02013, funded by the Education Department of Hunan Province, the amount of funding is 6000 yuan, Hunan Forestry Science and Technology Research and Innovation Fund Project, grant number XLKY202327, the sponsor is Hunan Provincial Forestry Department, and the amount of funding is 200,000 yuan.
This work was supported by Hunan Natural Science Foundation Project and the Youth Scientific Research Foundation of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Institute of Huamn Settlements and Green Low-carbon City and Yuelushan Laboratory Carbon Sinks Forests Variety Innovation Center.